
11 September 2012

Customize Blogger Comment Box with Nice Background

VM | 2:17 pm |
Customize Blogger Comment Box 

This post about how to customize your comment box back ground.Actually default comment box isn't attractive.So most are like to change it.This is the tutorial for it.I made a post about How To Change Default Anonymous Avatar In Blogger Comments. You can follow this easy steps to  add it to your blog

1. Log in to blogger  Design > Edit HTML.

2. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F   ]]></b:skin>

3. Paste below code Before ]]></b:skin> tag

#mbt-form iframe{
background:#ffffff url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiXjSgfkUiu4ega-xQ7UjKoS_N_dZuWNFgKxohvMgQL-LQqb9Um7eK86N_9g7BVGOD90NavB0gqNqHYtJOAwEouWbgSY0s3BJ_CtAWdx-zzBVsS4NF5nO4HoFOCeAViUzxTfNuHBObARJjy/s400/11.png) repeat-x;
border:1px solid #ddd;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #CCCCCC;
font:normal 12pt "ms sans serif", Arial;
width:560px; height:213px !important;
#mbt-form a{

4. Find again this code by using Ctrl+F   <div class='comment-form'>

Now replace <div class='comment-form'> with below code

 <div id='mbt-form'>

6. Now save your Template

You are done... 

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